About The Author

This section of blog posts are all about my journey and what motivates me as a long snapper

If you would like to set up a lesson with me, Joe Friedrich, please fill out the information below and I will follow up with you in 24-48 hours. I typically charge $40 an hour for one-on-one lessons in the Cedar Falls IA area - but I am willing to travel to support snappers around the midwest!  

My Motivation


It has been too long since the last Long Snapping Lifestyle post! This summer, all of the seniors and juniors on the University of Northern Iowa football team have been asked to share what motivates them to do what it takes to be a college athlete. Everyone has their own story, each one of them as great as the next,...

Hello Snappers, my name is Joe Friedrich. I am a walk-on long snapper at the University of Northern Iowa. Currently, I have three years of experience as the starting long snapper at UNI and am entering in my final year this fall.

We are getting closer and closer to the start of football season and I can't wait for it. It's the best time of the year. I wanted to share this interview that I got to be a part of earlier this year. We talked about everything from the walk-on process to what it meant to me to start the...

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