Cody Clements


Hi, my name is Cody Clements. I'm entering my 5th fall at Eastern Washington University and my 3rd fall as the starting long snapper. I've been in the shoes of many of the young snappers out there. Not all of us are the 5 star heavily recruited kids that we all wish we could be. Long snapping is a way to change that. As a high schooler, Eastern Washington was the only D1 school that offered me a preferred walk-on spot. I would then have to wait 2 years before I could finally earn a starting spot and scholarship. I didn't sit around on my butt for those 2 years though. I spent hundreds of hours snapping (to people, at walls, at goalposts, at anything), lifting, and becoming more athletic in any way that I could. I knew whenever my number was called that I would be more than ready to succeed. Now that I am the starter, I can't sit back and coast. I continue to work every day on every aspect of my craft. 

I've been lucky enough to be given this opportunity to hopefully pass down my knowledge to the next generation of long snappers. I will not only be able to help you with the fundamentals of being a long snapper, but I'll be able to help coach you for the mental and physical aspect of this position. As long snappers, we must be perfect every time we step on the field, which can come with a lot of pressure. I look forward to helping as many young long snappers as I can!

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