Ethan Myers

Hello everyone, I am Ethan Myers, the Long Snapper at Austin Peay State University. I'm from Murfreesboro, TN. I went to Blackman High School and played football. I've been long snapping for 7 years now. I'm an All-Conference snapper from last season & preseason All-Conference for the 2023 season. I love taking pride in the long snapper position for a few reasons. 1: the job is mostly laid back. 2. The benefits of being a specialist is great. 3. The pressure and game controlling scenarios are intense. Specialist have to be able to control the pressure that is upon us in order to execute our job for the team. Our goal as snappers is to stay unnoticed. I am going into my 4th year / senior year at APSU. I enjoy golfing, fishing, lake, motocross, working out, and about anything outdoors. Can't wait to start working with LSLS Legends! Can't wait to meet some of y'all and to take your game to the next level! You can find my socials easy. Check out my merchandise! Any support is very appreciated.
To support Ethan, check out his personalized series of merchandise HERE!