Jake Reed


I am from Odessa, Delaware and grew up a Delaware fan my whole life - even having season tickets growing up and enjoying Blue Hen football. My dad taught me how to long snap in our backyard when I was in 6th grade and I haven't stopped since! I played my high school football at Caravel Academy in Bear, Delaware as a two-way lineman and our Long Snapper - selected as a team captain and an All-State selection in 2016. 

It has always been my dream to play for the Blue Hens! Ultimately I wanted to play D1 football, but as an undersized linemen I decided that long snapping was my ticket to the next level. I've had the opportunity to work with Jon Dorenbos (Eagles former LS) and I consider his a mentor because of all the life advice he has given me during our workouts. With this brand opportunity I want to bring awareness to the LS position and get my brand out to Blue Hen Nation! 

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