Moving on to the Next Level

Dear Snappers,
I want to take this week to reflect back on where I am in life and to pass some guidance with some of the young snappers that are looking to get their shot at the next level. There are many of my followers on twitter and on this blog that are going to start their high school, college, or possibly NFL careers this coming fall. It doesn't matter what level you are moving on to, it will be different. Best of luck to all of you who are moving onto a new part of your snapping journey! I want to give a little bit of personal advice from the long snapping journey that I have been on.
Work for a Bigger Purpose

I've told you all before that I had no idea that a center doesn't normally long snap until I was a junior or senior in high school. I was working on my craft simply to be the best center that also long snapped all through high school. I found the teammates and coaches that wanted to see me succeed and we went in early to work. It wasn't work for my own benefit or because I wanted to get to the next level, it was for my team. You will find so much more success when you work for a greater purpose other than just your own success.
Prioritize Your Values
After my career had ended as a high school athlete, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next. I had offers to go play basketball at some D3 schools with some really great programs. I loved basketball and I wanted to continue my athletic career. However, I wanted to what was best for myself and for my family, so I chose my school based on academics. I couldn't be happier with my decision to go to Northern Iowa. I set up my priorities and I knew that my future career meant more to me than 4 more years of playing sports.
Make the Most of Opportunity
Once I had decided I was going to Northern Iowa, I began working on my long snapping. I knew that it was my best shot at getting on the team. One of my best friends, Sam Meyne (now an Army Ranger), formed a pact to try and walk-on and UNI. We both had grown up around the program and wanted to represent our hometown. We worked our asses off that summer to try to be in the best shape when our opportunity came.

Sam and I were given the opportunity to go through a try-out process in the fall of 2015. You can bet we made the most of it. Funny story: I was told that I couldn't try out as a long snapper because I needed to pick a "real position." I tried out as a defensive end and Sam tried out as a linebacker. We were both told that we had not made the team a few days after. A day or two after being told that I wouldn't make the team I was asked to come back for a try-out as a long snapper. I made the most of it and now I am here heading into my fifth year. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't surrounded myself with the right people. The people I surrounded myself with pushed me to
Final Thoughts
For all of you that are looking to take your game to the next level, you have to start by finding the right people to surround yourself with. There will be people that are jealous, that want something different for you, but you have to look for those who want to the best for you and to see you succeed. Next, you have to be able to think about your values and what is important to you and your future. Finally, and most importantly, you have to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Those guys that are working towards their NFL dream might only have one shot. For those of you that are looking to get on a college roster, don't sleep on a school that wants you to come snap just because it isn't Alabama, take advantage of those opportunities!
For those of you who are looking to take that next step in college, make sure to hit me up on twitter or post in the comments. Give me some highlight tapes to tweet out and show to college coaches all over the country. They are looking for great long snappers, trust me!