Paxton Branning


My name is Paxton Branning and I am the Long Snapper at Belhaven University. I am originally from Hollandale, Mississippi where I went to Deer Creek High School. I was not heavily recruited out of high school, however I was offered a walk-on tryout at Mississippi Delta Community College. I went on to start for them for two years. After my sophomore season, I received multiple offers to play at a higher level - I chose to attend Jackson State University where I won the starting job. Following the 2021 season, I transferred to Belhaven University where I will be playing out my college eligibility. 

I have been helping many other snappers though my years to reach their goals by offering both in-person and virtual lessons. Long Snapping has helped me achieve my personal goals and through that I have seen my hard work and dedication pay off. My story is a personal testament to "If you want something bad enough, work hard for it and you will reap the benefits." 

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