Randen Plattner


Hello, my name is Randen Plattner and I am from Kansas City, Missouri, born and raised. I went to a 6A high school where I graduated with about 500 people in my class. About my junior year of high school my head coach put the idea of playing college football in my head. I hadn't put a ton of thought into my future at that point in my life. So, from then on I made the commitment to myself to do what I could to give it a shot. I didn't want to have any regrets, any second thought of I should've tried harder to play college football. I went to work snapping all the time, going to camps all around the Midwest. When I attended the KSU specialist camp, I performed better than I ever had to date. There was something special about me being on campus and the atmosphere I experienced, I wanted to be a part of it. Now, I'm here studying mechanical engineering with a minor in leadership studies as well as an Masters degree in business.

To support Randen, check out his personalized series of merchandise HERE

I have pledged to take 35% of the proceeds he receives from this merch sale and give back to those around him.

What does this look like?

If you have a charity you're passionate about, please leave a comment and a short story if you feel inclined as to why that charity means so much to you. Once a month there will be a charity chosen from those who buy some merch and recommend a charity I will personally donate to.


I have been unbelievably fortunate to be where I am at today. There has been a ton of people that have helped me get to this point in my life and I can't thank them enough. Now, I have the opportunity to be that person for others. Me selling a shirt with my face on it was never solely to benefit me. That is just not the person I am. My hair and personality are there to make people smile, now we can make a longer-lasting impact with the ability to donate back to those who need it.

If you would like to schedule a lesson with Randen, please fill out the information below. The athlete's name, a good email to contact, and a message to describe the athletes current level of competition, current age, and a date that works best for you. You will hear back from a LSLS representative to follow up in 24 to 48 hours! 

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