The 100% Complete Guide to Long Snapping


Hello Snappers,

This week we are covering everything there is to ever know about long snapping. There's no need to go to expensive camps anymore, no need to examine film, or work on your technique. I have created the ultimate guide for long snapping. Follow these three simple steps and you will never ever have to worry about a bad snap ever again:

Step 1: If you believe any of that then you'll never make it as a snapper.

You will always be changing your technique to fit your style, to fit what the scheme requires, and to fit your body as you become a better athlete. There are no 100% blueprints in football. It doesn't matter if you are a kicker, a quarterback, or a lineman; adjustments must be made.

Step 2: Don't ever believe someone that tells you that they have complete knowledge of any area.

No one can tell you exactly what it takes to become the highest level long snapper possible. There are elite long snapping coaches out there that dedicate their work to figuring out how to make each and every long snapper the best that they can be. Whether it is Chris Rubio, Kyle Stelter, or Nolan Owen; none of them will tell you that they have the craft perfected. (Check out the links to each coach's website) 

Great coaches know that there are always changes that need to be made to improve. That need to improve is the reason that you will probably get slightly different advice from any long snapping coach you go to see. Each of the coaches above will see something that the others don't or describe techniques in different ways, it's the reason our craft is an art. Not all snappers in the NFL have the same technique and not all coaches teach the same technique. There is not one simple solution.

Step 3: No one is out to sabotage your snapping.

All coaches, including the greats mentioned above, are there to try and make you a better athlete, player, and snapper. There is no concrete solution to get your ball to hit .6 on the hip every time that you snap the ball. However, small steps and a lot of tips and advice along the way can be very helpful.

Coaches are there to push you to be better, not to sabotage your snapping. Take criticism with a grain of salt, but be open to it as a snapper. There aren't a lot of coaches out there that have snapped enough balls to give you great advice. However, all advice can be useful and it is often worth a try to see if their tips help your snapping. Always remember that all coaches want to do is put a team on the field that has the best chance to win the game. They want to improve your long snapping because it improves the team!

These steps can be applied to many situations in all of our lives. No matter what we are doing there are always going to be temptations to take the easy route, there are going to be people who think they know more than they do, and there will people there to guide you in the right direction. Always keep these things in mind! 

Let's have a great season of long snapping! 

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