Tips & Tricks



I want to apologize, it has been forever since our last blog post! There is no better time to drop a post about snapper superstitions than on Friday the thirteenth. In high school, I hated superstitions and I never wanted to give in to those ideas. Now that I am a specialist I've bought all in about the superstitions. Every...

This week we are covering everything there is to ever know about long snapping. There's no need to go to expensive camps anymore, no need to examine film, or work on your technique. I have created the ultimate guide for long snapping. Follow these three simple steps and you will never ever have to worry about a bad snap ever again:...

The Basics


Now is the best time of the year to work on your long snapping skills! With the off-season in full swing there are plenty of camps all around the U.S. to provide you with coaches that have a lot of knowledge on long snapping. (Feel free to hit me up if you want to snap in Iowa) A lot of...

The Warm-Up


Spring ball has me fired up for more snapping! It's finally time to put the pads back on and get on the field with the rest of the unit. I want to focus on how we can get the most out of every day of spring ball, or any day of practice for that matter. These warm-ups and in-practice drills...

The topic of the day is keeping it together under pressure. The Long Snapper Lifestyle way of keeping your head in the game when things get heated, as they inevitably will! These principles apply to any high pressure situation that you will encounter in your life. They can be transferred to any arena, but this is a long snapping blog,...

I want to take this week to reflect back on where I am in life and to pass some guidance with some of the young snappers that are looking to get their shot at the next level. There are many of my followers on twitter and on this blog that are going to start their high school, college, or possibly...

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